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Skill: Hands

Top singles charts

S7: Come to Me S7, Starian S7
S8: A Prison Without Bars S8
S9: Bambole S9
S11: London Bridge S11
S12: Aliens in Our Midst S12, Bonaccia S12, Miss's Story S12, Come to Me S12, Koul S12
S13: Blow My Mind S13, One Love S13, Terminal Depository S13
S14: Master of Puppets S14, Anubis S14, Terminal Depository S14, Robotix S14, Unforgettable Memory S14
S15: Zodiac (The Trinity) S15, Come to Me S15, Kiss Me S15, Ignition Starts S15, Bee S15, Bad Apple!! (feat. Nomico) S15
S16: Valenti S16, Watch Out S16, Jump S16
S17: Slam S17
S18: Gun Rock S18
S19: Love is a Danger Zone 2 S19 fullsong
S20: Let's Get the Party Started S20, Z - The New Legend S20 fullsong
S21: King of Sales S21, Love is a Danger Zone (try To B.P.M.) S21 remix
S22: VVV S22, Faster Z S22, Club Night S22
S23: Chimera S23, Fire Noodle Challenge S23 remix

Top doubles charts

D9: Starian D9
D10: Arch of Darkness HD10
D11: In The Night D11, Ugly Dee D11
D12: Memory D12, Gun Rock HD12, Round and Round D12
D13: For You D13
D14: Anubis D14, Terminal Depository D14
D15: Ugly Dee D15, Monolith HD15, Naissance 2 D15
D16: Terminal Depository D16, Ignition Starts D16
D17: Another Truth D17, Solitary 2 HD17, Do It Yourself D17
D18: Valenti D18, Watch Out D18, Hasse Mich HD18
D19: Slam D19
D20: Tales of Pumpnia D20, Clue D20, Hi-Bi D20
D21: Let's Get the Party Started D21, Bee D21
D23: VVV D23, Kasou Shinja D23, Love is a Danger Zone (try To B.P.M.) HD23 remix
D24: Dignity D24