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Ba Be Loo Be Ra - Kristeen D16 arcade hidden
Predicted difficulty: Hard 16 - 16.57
Similar charts with Jump, Bracket, 5-panel stair, Solo diagonal twist, 90 twist, Close diagonal twist:
13: Bang The Bass S13, Blow My Mind S13, Rave 'til the Earth's End D13
14: HUSH S14, Chimera S14, Do U Know That-Old School S14
15: Hypnosis D15, Pump Jump S15, RUN! S15
16: Hold the Line S16 fullsong, Chimera D16, Campanella S16
17: Set Up Me2 Mix S17 remix, Gotta Go S17, Nobody D17
18: Do U Know That-Old School D18, Higgledy Piggledy S18, You Got Me Crazy S18
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