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Enhanced Reality - Matduke D20 arcade
Predicted difficulty: Very hard 20 - 21.08
Similar charts with Bracket, Double step, Bracket hold tap, Rolling hit, Mid4 doubles, No twists:
17: Stardust Overdrive D17 shortcut, Break It Down D17, Imagination S17
18: Exceed2 Opening D18 shortcut, Free! D18, X-Rave D18 shortcut
19: Hypnosis(SynthWulf Mix) D19, Gashina D19, B.P Classic Remix D19 remix
20: Red Swan D20, Allegro Furioso D20, The End of the World ft. Skizzo S20
21: Kimchi Fingers D21, Feel My Happiness D21, Meteo5cience (GADGET mix) S21 remix
22: Rock the house D22, Meteo5cience (GADGET mix) D22 remix, Indestructible D22
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