VVV - ZiGZaG S23 arcade
Pack: FIESTA 2Predicted difficulty: Easy-medium 23 - 22.40
Similar charts with Run, Side3 singles, No twists:
20: Karyawisata S20, The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog S20, Take Out S20
21: Bemera S21 shortcut, Orbit Stabilizer S21, 1949 S21
22: Conflict S22, Robot battle S22, Full Moon S22 fullsong
23: Dement ~After Legend~ S23, 1949 S23, Kokugen Kairou Labyrinth S23
24: Crashday S24, ESCAPE S24
25: Shub Sothoth S25 remix, VVV S25, Vacuum Cleaner S25 remix
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