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First Love (Techno Mix) - Clon S10 arcade hidden
Pack: S.E.~EXTRA
Predicted difficulty: Medium 10 - 9.85
Similar charts with Run, Spin, Solo diagonal twist, Close diagonal twist, Far diagonal twist, 180 twist:
7: Koul D7, Starry Night D7, EXTRA Hip-Hop Remix D7 remix
8: Betrayer D8, Scorpion King S8, Repeatorment Remix D8 remix
9: Starian D9, Conga D9, Witch Doctor #1 S9
10: Moment Day S10, Scorpion King D10, Let's Get the Party Started S10
11: Infection HD11, Bee S11, Bee D11
12: First Love (Techno Mix) S12, Money D12, Beat of The War D12
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